
The Food Safety Intelligence Blog

Insights, resources and best practices on digital innovations for food risk prevention

A Common Data Ecosystem for Agriculture and Food

We believe that for a data revolution to happen, agriculture and food need a fabric of interoperable and interplaying infrastructure layers. Having such an infrastructure in place, will make data sharing and exchange as natural to us, as it is [...]

Food Safety Information Leaders Come Together

At the District of Columbia (D.C.) lies the capital of the United States of America, the beautiful Washington D.C. And it is there, at the World Bank Group headquarters, where a number of great minds will meet on October 14th, [...]

“It’s the variety, stupid”

Well, I should have suspected it. But it was good to see more than 40 experts from around the world highlighting and explaining it: the special thing about big data in agriculture is its extreme variety. This is what you [...]

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