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Investing in Agtech and Foodtech: investors take note

2020-05-25T17:16:25+02:00By |

We care about food. The world cares about food more than ever before. Investors should take note. Rising demand, diverse new patterns of consumption, environmental and eco-sustainability concerns, both in terms of production as well as the footprint certain practices [...]

Reporting on the EIP-AGRI Workshop on Data Sharing

2020-05-27T09:11:10+02:00By |

As the phrase “data is the new oil” becomes more and more popular, there is also much uncertainty about the impact of data governance and sharing models. There is a variety of sharing models that have different degrees of openness, [...]

Α short report from the RDA’s IGAD pre-meeting

2020-05-27T09:04:43+02:00By |

The 9th Plenary Meeting of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) took place in Barcelona, Spain, from 5 to 7 April 2017. The RDA Plenary Meetings constitute a major event where more than 4000 members from 100 countries come together to [...]

VITIS Big Data Demonstrator @ Agricultural University of Athens

2020-05-27T09:05:28+02:00By |

On February 20th 2017, we had the pleasure to host a workshop at the premises of the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA), co-organized together with the colleagues from the Laboratory of Viticulture. Delegates from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), [...]

Agroknow visits Canada to talk about big data in farms

2020-05-27T09:09:16+02:00By |

One of the fun things we did during our visit to Ontario this September was our meeting with Canada's first NSERC Industrial Research Chair for Colleges: Dr. Mike Duncan. With a specialization in Precision Agriculture and Environmental Technologies, the five-year [...]

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