Yearly Archives: 2019


Our Annual Food Safety Intelligence Outlook

2020-07-08T12:20:19+02:00By |

As the second decade of the 21st century has concluded, no one can dispute the fact that food safety is amongst the global top priorities. Last year can be considered very active in terms of food safety related matters. As [...]

Using big data to predict food fraud

2020-09-12T17:47:48+02:00By |

How can one monitor food fraud incidents around the world in almost real time? Can large-scale data analysis reveal patters related to the way that people modify food products, ingredients or packaging for economic gain? Is it possible to predict [...]

WE Are The Greeks

2020-09-12T17:44:45+02:00By |

In this company, we always aimed at having a multi-cultural and multi-national team, to embrace and understand and appreciate diversity. During the years, our team has included people from Romania, Latvia, Belgium, UK, USA and other countries. Many of us [...]

Getting the open science aficionados together

2020-07-22T09:28:33+02:00By |

What if all European research could be made available to everyone, for free? How about making all scientific outcomes that EU taxpayers fund a common, shared resource that may fuel innovation from the public and private sector? Is it possible [...]

Investing in Agtech and Foodtech: investors take note

2020-05-25T17:16:25+02:00By |

We care about food. The world cares about food more than ever before. Investors should take note. Rising demand, diverse new patterns of consumption, environmental and eco-sustainability concerns, both in terms of production as well as the footprint certain practices [...]

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