With the food safety threat landscape always expanding, it is more pressing than ever that food & beverage companies of all sizes worldwide to be able to have a complete overview of all risks to their supply chain. More than that, however, due to unforeseen disruptions in their supply chains as well as other geopolitical and environmental factors food companies have to be able to anticipate unexpected risks in their supply chain.

How can AI and Predictive analytics support food & beverage companies in formulating robust mitigation strategies by factoring in highly accurate forecasts on emerging risks across the supply chain?

How can food & beverage companies drastically enhance their proactive food safety risk measures?

Discover in the report:

  • Global Incident Trend Forecasts on 10 Food Product Categories
  • Emerging risks & Hazard for key ingredients
  • Geographies with Higher Risk for Incidents for key ingredients
  • 5 Use Cases on how FOODAKAI’s forecasts could have anticipated outbreaks in 2023 (e.g., Lead Poisoning in Applesauce products)